Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Orwells '1984' was never just a story

(Big brother is settling his roots right now, panopticon rising ,
leaviathan roaming the seas, dystopias ignored, self justification growing malignant, soon the firemen will burn books and party pills will replace our emotions balanced up by a hang-over pill, sex replaced by jacking-in - virtually sublime - really jacking off
we need to get to mars real soon, even the psionics from their chronicles are better than a lonely planet in neglect of the beauty of a naked lunch
we need to get off this rock real soon, or go down into its depths, burrow into its core and warm up from its magmatic currents
we are in the dawn of change, the cycle of change, the 3600 year cycle is here, red planet X, Nirubi, heading our way, the storms are stirring and the blocking-stone of the flow of Being will be dislodged .. as it always does .. as every empire falls .. it’s how we make them fall, how we dance in their wake and move in their absence ..that really matters )

deluge of de-
contruction from

rebuilding iraq
said the burning

of bloated-
ripe hopeful berries

side they can’t
complain about israel

semite remarks
always focused on

mule supporting gene
research for-

about nature
of spontaneous recovery

forgetting all about
their empire

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